October 15, 2015

Seeking nominations for SIGCHI Awards

SIGCHI seeks nominations for its five major annual awards.  All nominations are due by November 15, 2015.

SIGCHI identifies and honors leaders and shapers of the field of human-computer interaction with the SIGCHI Awards. We recognize individuals who have contributed to the advancement of the field of human-computer interaction. There are five kinds of SIGCHI Awards that are selected by two committees based on your nominations, so please submit them! We encourage you to consult the SIGCHI Awards web page (www.sigchi.org/about/awards) for past awardees and more detailed award descriptions.

The SIGCHI Achievement Awards committee selects the following three awards. Submit nomination material to sigchi-achieve-awards@acm.org, to the attention of Steve Feiner (CHI Academy Member) who is the committee chair:

  1. SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award: Individuals who have contributed the very best work in shaping the field, SIGCHI's highest honor for research contributions.
  2. SIGCHI Lifetime Practice Award: Individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the practice, application, and understanding of human-computer interaction, SIGCHI's highest honor for practice contributions.
  3. CHI Academy: Individuals who have made substantial contributions to the field of human-computer interaction should include a summary of the person's contributions with evidence of the cumulative contribution, influence of the work on others, and development of new directions.

The SIGCHI Service Awards committee selects the following two awards. Submit nomination material to sigchi-service-awards@acm.org, to the attention of Ben Bederson (SIGCHI Adjunct Chair for Awards) who is the committee chair:

  1. SIGCHI Social Impact Award: Individuals who through their work have made substantial contributions to pressing social needs.
  2. SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award: Individuals who have contributed to the growth and success of SIGCHI through extended service to the community over a number of years.

Nominations should include:
  • a brief summary (maximum one page, preferably a PDF) of how the nominee meets the criteria for the award.
  • (optional) a link to the nominee's CV, if available
  • (optional) names and contact information of people who both endorse and are knowledgeable about the qualifications of the nominee.

All nominations must be submitted by November 15, 2015. General questions can be sent to sigchi-ac-awards@acm.org.

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